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For-Profit for Nonprofit:

this tourism business is a patron project.

Your stay is creating the opportunity for something important. 


100% of the proceeds from La TISSERANDE go to support a nonprofit organization called La SOURCE Center for Research & Creation - the world’s first international and interdisciplinary research center dedicated to Love-Studies. 

Yes, we mean it - 100% of the profit from your stay makes it possible for researchers, artists, and volunteers to come from all over the world to create and study what love is, how we experience it, how we define it, how to cultivate it, how to practice it, and we live it daily on what we have identified as the 3 levels of love: 

  • inner-connective (love within the self)

  • inter-connective (love between self & other)

  • eco-connective (love for our environment)


This is kind of a big deal. Your vacation here has a purpose far beyond your own personal experience. Staying here facilitates a necessary opportunity for all of us to begin investigating a topic as old as time, and at the core of what we share - beyond all differences. Love unites us in our human experience… and your investment in your own adventure makes that ongoing research possible for us. Thank you. This is our WHY, our "raison d’être", our "reason-for-being".


If you’re interested in learning more about La SOURCE and Love-Studies research, or if you’re interested in participating in the research during your stay - please don’t hesitate to ask us. 

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our WHY


La Tisserande aux Fils de l’Eau,

The Water Weaver.

Our valley is a weaver. 
She pulls water up from the source-springs, flowing below the stones we build our lives upon, and she spins it into little streams. She pulls rain down the hillsides to feed them. She guides the streams to find one another and join hands. All streams weave together until they travel home, to the ocean.
If you ask her, if you listen to the watery song of the valley, she will tell you that we are all weavers. We weave our lives together. The threads of our passions, of our dreams, of our joys, of our love. Every bond is a thread connecting us, one to another. And she will tell you, too, that weaving takes time. La TISSERANDE is dedicated to providing an ideal space for taking that time. 
Our valley was once home to a thriving flax-farm of the XVIIth century. Here, master weavers made massive linen sails for the ships on the nearby coasts. Those sails carried each ship toward the horizon, and traveled the whole world over. 
Here, we live in a paradise of earth, moss, oak and fern - but not far, we are surrounded in 3 directions by the ocean. In French, the word for peninsula is “presqu’île” - which literally means almost an island. And as we are near to the edge, our department is called ‘Finistère,’ Finis Terra - the end of the earth. 

So, gather those you love most, and come. 

Join us, here, on our almost-island, 

at the end of the earth - 

and weave memories that will be cherished

no matter where your horizon lies. 



a space for the imagination

Busy, busy bees. Life is full of many happenings, many doings, many goings-on. Sometimes it's too much - and the doing becomes the stressing, and when the stressing grows and grows, it becomes too heavy to carry. At La Tisserande, we encourage you to put it down, to take a pause and invite inspiration to carry you instead. Let our little valley tickle your imagination. Between the owl’s hoot and the weeping birch, between the molehills and the butterflies, between the stone bridge and the wildflowers, between the milky way and wind chimes, there is a call to return to the poetry of life, the humble sweetness of honey, the promise of waking early enough to watch the sunrise before a day of adventure. Discovery. 

If you would like some support in awakening your inner poet, your inner moon-howler, or your inner puddle-splasher… our team is here to help. We have more than a few tricks up our sleeves to awaken that part of your being that doesn’t find space to breathe in the busyness of the world.

There’s a universe of secret beauty waiting for you on the other side of every tree, every river, 
every moment.


a space in harmony with the earth

We love our home. We love our ecosystem. We love our planet. So we’re taking active steps to be sure that your vacation has the smallest footprint possible. 

We use natural, healthy and non-polluting cleaning products; we provide 100% plant-fiber linens and towels; we recycle; we compost; we serve vegetarian food made primarily with organic, locally grown, seasonal produce, as well as fair trade coffees and teas; we sing to our chickens, duck, goose, and goats; we create bouquets from the greenery of our own forest and garden; we provide organic, body-safe, and non-polluting plant-based soap and shampoo; and we are always investigating new ways to better serve and protect mother nature.

As we are passionate about preserving natural balance and harmony, we are more than happy to take time to speak with you about what Eco-Tourism and Responsible Travel means to us - and also happy to share our plans for evolving towards a greener and more sustainable lifestyle. 

ecos ("home") + logia ("the study of")
an ecological lifestyle is a life of learning more about our shared home - this marvelous planet. 

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Our 4-legged and winged family members bring delight to us and to all of our visitors. We're very happy to introduce you.

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Jonah & Primrose



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+33 (0) 7 65 65 81 09

Le Cosquer, 29410 Saint Thégonnec Loc Eguiner
Brittany, France

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© 2022 by Elise Goldstein. 

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